Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Family International

Tod and Noor, who are currently living in Europe, are visiting the States for a couple of weeks spending time with family in friends. They managed to squeeze in a couple hours with Brown Eyed Photography, and the talented Kate from MKD Photography.
Tod and Noor are so sweet to everyone and completely adorable with each other....

...even with two kids in traveling with them (their travel includes an 8 hour plane ride here and a 10 hour plane ride home!)

Their son looks just like Tod....

...and their daughter looks just like Noor.

(We got this great expression when Tod was pretending to be a moose. Who knew? Pretend to be a moose and kids will laugh like there is nothing funnier!)

Thank you, Noor and Tod for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend some time with us doing pictures. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

1 comment:

Shalonne said...

Those are absolutely beautiful gorgeous photos!!!! Stunning!!!