Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are you there? - a giveaway

Lately I've been curious about how many people read the blog. I love writing it, I love going back through and remembering each of the photo sessions... but maybe I'm the only one?
I've stumbled across a couple of other photography bloggers offering a fun give away that will help me figure out how many people are seeing the blog.
Here the deal:
The prize: The first name drawn will win a $225 Brown Eyed Photography gift certificate, the second name drawn will win a $100 gift certificate, and the third name drawn will win a $50 gift certificate that can be used towards a sitting fee and/or any prints or products.
How to enter:
You will be entered into the drawing for every one task you complete...
1) Leave a comment on this post
2) Become a Brown Eyed Photography fan on facebook, then post in your status that you are now a fan and link back to this post. Finally come back to this post and comment to tell me that all you've become a fan. (For those that are already facebook fans: you just have to post in your status that you are a fan and link back to this post and comment.)
3) Link back to this give away on your blog and then comment on this post with a link to your blog.

That's it! Three chances to enter!

The fine print:

- All sessions will take place in the Providence, RI area OR North West Vermont. Contact me for specifics.
- Sessions must be completed by October 15th, 2009.
- Gift certificate is applicable only to new sessions booked between July 25, 2009 and October 15, 2009
- Only comments in this thread will be eligible for entry. Please enter each comment separately (as stated above) so I am sure to enter your name the appropriate number of times.

- Winnings are transferable. You can definitely have other people enter for you OR you can enter with the intention of gifting your gift certificate if your name is drawn. Just know that they same rules apply to whoever uses the gift certificate.
- Deadline for entry is Saturday, July 18 at 8:00 pm. Winners will be announced on the blog by Sunday afternoon. Please check the blog on Sunday to see if you’ve won - you will need to email me to claim your prize!
- Winners must be willing to sign a model release allowing me to use the images from the sessions for promotional purposes, blog, website, etc.
- If winners do not complete their session by October 15th, the winnings are void. There is no cash value and no refund will be given.

I can't wait to see what happens...


Unknown said...

Hi, Sarah :)

amy said...

Just wanted to let you know that I check your blog often! You've already done more than enough for us, so please don't enter us in the contest, just wanted to let you know you have a follower!

Amateur Author said...

Thank you so much AJ. It's always fun to spend time with you two... no, three now:) Thanks for letting me know that you check the blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah, I tried several times to do the linking on facebook...but I kept getting an error message. I can't wait for you to be able to meet our little person & photograph him/her for many reasons & seasons to come!!


Sarah said...

Hi Sheba,
I saw that you figured it out! Talk to you soon.

caitlin said...

Hi Sarah! I have your blog in my RSS feeder on my iPhone so I check it regularly.... Did I mention what a big geek I secretly am? ;) Anyway, I'm at my inlaws' now and it's great seeing prints of the lovely photos you took all over their house.