Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Three sisters

Remember these sisters?
Today we had round two of their photo shoot. It could only very loosely be called a photo shoot- I'm going to be honest. Really these girls just hung out at the park for a couple hours and I captured images when the girls were up for it. The baby was always happy to pose.

The twins were very cooperative but also had their own agendas. Here is one of the girls sitting in a "tree fort" they found. It was a very cool hollow stump of a tree.

This happy girl wanted to be pushed on the swing. I offered to push but she wanted mom. So we made a deal- I would go get mom if she looked at the camera couple times. I probably didn't need to bribe her- she was happy to pose until I was finished.

Mehera, the girls mom, was thrilled to have nursing portraits taken. Last week baby girl was too distracted to nurse. This time I waited for a very focused nurse session before making these shots. I love Mehera's tattoo!

Thanks again Mehera for allowing me to make images today! Your images should be ready and waiting for you by next week at playgroup.
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1 comment:

mehera said...

Wow! Sarah, you are GOOD and FAST! I love them all, especially the last!
